The aim of the game is to reach joyful, mutual satisfaction. Perfect for new couples to get to know each other and great for bringing new excitement into longer relationships.
Going along the board, the playing couple has to complete increasingly hot and exiting tasks while pleasing each other and themselves. The game starts with easy warm-ups followed my more erotic asks leading to sexual intercourse. Keeping the rules, an increasing appetite is guaranteed. But watch out: players are not allowed to come to the peak before the end of the game. The player who can not keep this rule will have to fulfill every sexual desire of his/her partner!
Die Regel befolgend ist das steigende sexuelle Verlangen garantiert, aber Vorsicht, der Orgasmus darf bis Spielende von keinem der Parteien erreicht werden. Kommt einer der beiden vorzeitig zum Höhnpunkt, muss dieser alle sexuellen Wünsche des Partners befriedigen.
Die Online-Zahlung wird von Barion Payment Zrt geleistet
© Schmuse Duell – Alle Rechte vorbehalten. – Bohema Games GmbH.